2022 Leagues:
Juniors League (Ages 6-18)
This golf league provides students ages 12-17 the opportunity to have fun learning and playing the sport of golf with friends old and new. Play will begin on Tuesday, June 28th at 1pm. Students will be grouped by age and their handicaps will be calculated. Registration is due by June 21. For more information call Brookfield Parks & Recreation at 203-775-730.
Day: Tuesday Dates: Starting 5/11
Time: 5:00—8:00pm Fee: $15.00
Ladies Golf League
A Ladies Golf League will begin playing on Monday nights this summer. The first night will be May 31st with tee times beginning at 5pm with rotating foursomes each week. Specific tee times and pairings will be emailed each week. Those in the league will have handicaps kept, have the opportunity to earn clubhouse cash and join a group for social camaraderie! League entry fee is $15.00 payable to parks and rec with greens fees payable to Sunset Hill each week you play. Members pay $11 riding and $2 walking. Fees are $28 riding and $19 walking for non-members.
Senior Golf League ~ 55+
The senior golf league is back at Sunset Hill! Entering its 13th year, men and women age 55 and up can play with new friends and old, right here in Brookfield. The league anticipates a Tuesday, May 11th start that will continue on Tuesday mornings through late October or early November, weather permitting. Your choice of 9 or 18 holes, riding or walking each week. Greens fees range from $15—$40 per week paid when you play. A league entry fee of $15.00 is payable to parks and rec due 1 week prior to league start.